Need special or multi-color labels?
Tell us what you're looking for and we'll create custom stock for use with your LabelTac® printer.
Create Custom Multi-Color Die-Cut Labels.
Need specialized or multicolor labels for a specific project? Looking to have custom die-cuts with your company logo and information? Our Custom Die-Cut Labels give you the ability to have complex multicolor labels without requiring the use of an expensive multicolor thermal printer.
Tell us what you're after. We create the die-cut blanks and send you rolls of custom labels, ready for you to customize and print!

Step 1: Send us your idea
Send us a sketch or image of your design, or call and tell us what you're after. Be sure to be detailed, including colors and content required.
Step 2: We create custom rolls
We send you rolls of customized die-cut blanks and provide you a custom template for final label layout and design.
Step 3: Print your custom label
Load the label template, add the content to your label, and print from your LabelTac® printer.
It's that easy!
To order custom die-cut labels, call us at 1-877-356-6584, email us your artwork to, or fill out the form below: